Positive Psychology-Based

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  • Achieving Work/Life/School Balance

    Do you find it more challenging than ever to juggle the demands of school, work, and the rest of your life. Are you overwhelmed and stressed because you can’t get everything done? You are not alone! In this webinar, you will learn how to achieve work/life/school sanity by running your life like a company and…

  • Goal Setting Strategies for Academic Productivity

    The latest research in positive psychology has shown that people who have goals are happier and more successful. People who write down their goals are more likely to meet them and people who set the “right” goals (intrinsic, measurable, approachable goals, to name a few) are more productive and successful. In this workshop you will…

  • How to Overcome Perfectionism and Silence Your Inner Critic

    Are you plagued by self-doubt and believe that your work will never be good enough?…

  • The Growth Mindset in Action

    What is a “growth mindset”? Can it help you become a more grounded, resilient student? Can it help you both in your academic work and your professional life? As Stanford University psychologist Carol Dweck has described it in the Harvard Business Review: “Individuals who believe their talents can be developed (through hard work, good strategies,…