Event Category: Academic

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Three Ways to Make Your Audience Pay Attention

Every time you present, you must show your audience that you are an important speaker with an important message. In this webinar, we will discuss how to get your audience interested from the moment you enter a room or begin to present. Learn how to make a strong first impression, eliminate filler words, and build…

Lifting the Curtain on Powerful Persuasive Speaking Skills

We rely on our persuasive skills to convince our clients to sign a contract, convince our coworkers to support a proposal, or convince our classmates of the validity of our arguments or opinions. In this webinar, we will go “inside” persuasive messages in an attempt to understand how and why they work. Learn how to…

The Art of Inspiration: Motivating Your Teammates to Act

As a leader, you often have to motivate others to achieve something great—something that seems out of reach. Your goal is to help them eliminate the word can’t from their vocabulary and push them to go further than they ever thought was possible. In this webinar, we will explore how inspirational speakers motivate their listeners to pursue…

Advanced Public Speaking

Experienced speakers seem to have a magical ability to deliver compelling presentations — whether in a classroom, a workplace, or a Zoom meeting. But these speakers are not born with the ability to dazzle their listeners. Instead, they leverage a compelling array of advanced public speaking techniques to create powerful messages and choreograph memorable moments….