Here is some feedback from past and present Harvard Extension School instructors who have participated in the Faculty Aide program — some, many times over!

“This is a wonderful opportunity for both students and instructors; thanks for making it possible!”
Christina Smiraglia ,PhD

“I wanted to write and tell you how great the Faculty Aide program has been for me. I think it’s a real win-win program. And I am so grateful to have the research help, especially just now. I absolutely love this program and just wanted to let you know how much it has meant to me.”
Christina Thompson, PhD
Editor of the Harvard Review

“’I’ve had several assistants through the program over the last three books I wrote, and all were excellent and integral to the projects. [I’m a] big fan of the program!”
Thomas Nicols, PhD

“It’s an excellent program that helps both faculty and students.”
Mark Tomass, PhD

“I think this is a great program that helps students to develop further research skills and which provides value to faculty.”
Catherine Benoit ,PhD