The Equivalents – A Book Talk

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Episode 13

Maggie Doherty teaches expository writing at Harvard University.

The Equivalents, her first book, was published in May 2020. It’s about a group of five female artists and writers who came together at the Radcliffe Institute in the early 1960s. The book describes their creative lives and artistic collaborations and how these things shaped and were shaped by the women’s liberation movement. She also writes literary criticism, reviews, and essays. Maggie’s work has appeared in the New York Times, The Nation, and the London Review of Books, among other publications.

We talked to Maggie about why she feels the subjects of her book are relevant to current readers, how these women share a place in the early formative years of the feminist movement, and how continuing education has its own role to play in the intellectual and artistic development of non-traditional students today.