Episode 45
“I think it’s incredible that there’s this opportunity to engage with the Extension School’s cohort of talent that’s available…
In this particular experiment, Kai’s been incredible at bringing new ideas that I haven’t actually thought about…”
John L. Loeb Associate Professor Vijay Janapa Reddi
Welcome to the CARC Podcast!
From time to time on this podcast, we’ve had conversations about the faculty aide program – a unique program at Harvard Extension School that gives eligible, high-performing degree candidate students the opportunity to work on non-curricular research projects for Harvard Extension instructors and Harvard University faculty members.
We had the opportunity to have a great conversation with Kai Kleinbard, a current Harvard Extension student, and with Vijay Janapa Reddi, a professor at the Harvard John A. Paulson School of Engineering and Applied Sciences. We spoke about the faculty aide machine learning project they have been working on — a project involving creating an adaptive, dynamic learning AI-powered widget to augment a new Machine Learning Systems textbook designed for the CS249r Harvard course, as well as for use in other applications.
Kai Kleinbard, an ALM Digital Media Design student, is a software engineer based in Brooklyn, NY. He created bodyLITERATE, a company that supports neurodiverse learners. Vijay Janapa Reddi is the John L. Loeb Associate Professor of Engineering and Applied Sciences at Harvard University and Vice President and co-founder of MLCommons, a nonprofit organization committed to accelerating machine learning (ML) innovation for all. He also serves on the board of the tinyML Foundation, where he helps to build industry-academia partnerships and to shape the future of cutting-edge AI technologies.